SKIN Health - Looking after your skin during lockdown

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Looking after your skin during lockdown

For many people working from home is new and possibly challenging, particularly if you are juggling work commitments, child care, home schooling as well as running the home and keeping everyones’ spirits up.

We don’t know how long this restrictive measure will be in place so it’s essential to find ways to stay fit, well and mentally positive throughout this testing period. Of course mealtimes and regular exercise help to give our days structure and purpose but there are additional steps we can take to help improve our overall health and well being and this will subsequently aid skin health and function.

Give your skin daily TLC

Your skin is an incredible organ. It is the largest organ in the body and skin health is essential to optimise our overall health and well being. The primary function of the skin is to act as a physical and biological barrier to the external environment, providing protection against microorganisms, radiation and chemicals, temperature fluctuations and mechanical injuries. The skin has many other essential functions to be covered in subsequent blogs. However, skincare steps highlighted here will help to optimise overall skin health and function.

General tips for healthy skin

  1. Eat regular balanced meals, consider your vitamin and water intake

  2. Maintain a regular exercise regime at a specific time where possible.

  3. Consider daily meditation practice even for brief periods.

  4. Optimise conditions for a good night’s sleep

  5. Apply a scientifically tried and tested sunscreen daily

Additional tips - consider:

  1. Do you have an adequate weekly dose of probiotics in food or tablet form?

  2. Is your daily intake of B vitamins - riboflavin B2, niacin B3, niacin; vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc and omegas 3 and 5 regular and adequate?

  3. Is your daily skin regime effectively cleaning and degreasing your skin, stimulating healthy skin cell renewal and exfoliation, and promoting optimum skin barrier function?

  4. Do you have specific skin concerns you wish to address during this enforced “ At home “ period?

Two Skin boost solutions:

  1. Probiotics taken by mouth can help to normalise colonies of bacteria in the gut and subsequently may reduce inflammation in the skin. These live organisms may be found in fermented food, live yoghurt and high-quality supplements.

  2. A daily skin health drink called SKINADE delivers essential ingredients in liquid form that helps to achieve glowing and optimally functioning skin for all ages. It also promotes energy and a feeling of well being and helps to maintain overall good health 3 An option for problematic skin is SKINADE CLEAR. This has proven to be an effective targeted solution of vitamins, mineral and probiotics for patients with acne.

Optimising home skincare regimes:

ZEN (ZO) Obagi and the Original Obagi systems have been shown over the years to help patients to achieve glowing, even-toned, well-conditioned and healthy-looking skin.

Bespoke home treatment programmes to optimise skin health or to improve problems such as acne scars, pigmentation, uneven skin texture or tone as well as enlarged pores, blackheads and blemishes can be provided.


Gurpreet Gill