Sclerotherapy (Leg Thread Vein Removal)
Sclerotherapy leg thread vein removal
Leg thread veins are harmless but they can dramatically affect your confidence and cause mild to moderate pain in some cases. Sclerotherapy is an exciting treatment option for thread veins because it’s walk-in/walk-out, non-invasive and doesn’t need you to take any downtime. Unsightly veins can often be completely removed over several treatments.
Sclerotherapy treatment for leg thread veins and varicose veins
If you have visible leg thread veins, you may feel that your legs don’t look as good as they could. You may also find that your legs feel heavy and achy, especially as each day progresses.
Leg thread veins are a sign that the valves in the visible veins aren’t working as well as they should. This lets the blood flow the wrong way through your veins so that it pools and causes swelling.
Many people put up with their leg veins until their start feeling pain and discomfort but you don’t need to wait until your legs hurt to seek treatment.
Sclerotherapy is a non-surgical treatment for leg thread veins that can be delivered in under an hour and significantly deduce the appearance of red, enlarged veins.
During this treatment, we inject a salt (sclerosing) solution into the damaged veins. The solution irritates the vein lining, causing it to collapse and breakdown over several weeks. Your body then eliminates the damaged tissue through its natural healing response, while the blood in your legs reroutes through healthier veins.
You may need several treatments to achieve the optimum results. In the best cases, leg thread veins can be fully removed, leaving you with healthy, smooth legs free of visible veins.
Sclerotherapy price
Sclerotherapy 30 minute treatment - £350
Sclerotherapy 60 minute treatment - £600
Sclerotherapy leg thread vein removal FAQs
How long does a sclerotherapy treatment take?
Typically, a sclerotherapy treatment will take 30-40 minutes, although you should allow half an hour on either side of this.
Will the treatment hurt?
The needles we use to administer the sclerosing solution are incredibly fine, which minimises any potential discomfort.
Some people say they feel a slight pinch as the needle enters the skin. You may also experience a slight tingling or burning sensation as the solution goes into the targeted veins but many people don’t feel anything.
Is one treatment enough to show results?
You should certainly see some improvements to your leg thread veins after a single sclerotherapy treatment but, in most cases, several treatments at four- to six-week intervals may be necessary to remove the visible veins.
How effective is sclerotherapy treatment for leg thread veins?
The British College of Aesthetic Medicine estimates that sclerotherapy typically results in an 80% improvement in the appearance of visible veins. It’s particularly effective for thread veins.
It is important to note that other veins can become more visible in the future if their valves begin to weaken.
How quickly should I see the results?
After your treatment, the targeted veins may initially look darker because of bruising. However, they should begin to breakdown and be reabsorbed by the local tissue in your leg. As this happens, you will notice the veins fading, which can take several weeks. It typically takes about a month to see the full results of each treatment.
Is sclerotherapy safe?
In the hands of an experienced medical professional, sclerotherapy is recognised as a safe treatment for thread veins. It generally has lower risks than surgical alternatives for treating the same problems.
Of course, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects (see below), which we will discuss in detail with you during your initial consultation.
What are the potential side effects of sclerotherapy?
The most common side effects associated with sclerotherapy are a small amount of bruising and inflammation. As with any treatment that includes injections, there is some risk of infection so it’s important to keep the injection site clean and to follow our aftercare advice.
Less commonly, some people have been known to experience an adverse allergic reaction to the sclerosing solution or skin damage and discolouration.
In rare cases, blood clots have been known to form in the veins. If you experience chest pain, difficulty breathing or dizziness after having sclerotherapy, you should seek emergency medical treatment immediately.
Is there anything I should do/not do after sclerotherapy?
When you come in to Medikaur Skin & Aesthetics for sclerotherapy, we will give you detailed aftercare instructions. It’s important that you follow our recommendations to enjoy the full benefit of your treatment.
We may recommend that you:
· You wear compression socks for a minimum of two weeks post-treatment to reduce the risk of blood clots forming and to reduce potential hyperpigmentation (skin discolouration).
· Avoid contact sports, aerobics or the use of leg weights for approximately 10 days after the treatment.
· Avoid hot tubs, saunas, warm baths or sunbathing for at least three days post-treatment.
If you’re planning a holiday, you will probably want to book your sclerotherapy appointment for three to four weeks beforehand.
Can anyone perform sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy should be performed by an experienced medical professional.
Here at Medikaur Skin & Aesthetics, sclerotherapy injections are administered by Jane Paterson, who is a popular and immensely experienced advanced aesthetic nurse practitioner, or Dr Gurpreet Gill.
Is sclerotherapy suitable for varicose veins?
Varicose veins should only be treated by vascular surgeons who are specially trained to perform sclerotherapy and other procedures using specialised equipment.
You will be asked to attend an initial consultation before booking sclerotherapy for leg thread veins as we will need to determine whether you have varicose veins too. If you have, we may refer you for treatment by a specialist surgical colleague before your leg thread veins are dealt with using sclerotherapy at Medikaur Skin & Aesthetics.